Monday, October 18, 2010


I graduated from my "Options" class on June 28Th and I was given a date for surgery timeline of anywhere from four to six months...

I was so sure I was going to be in the "four" month group instead of the "Six" month group so I mentally prepared myself for a late September surgery...

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock...Time went by with no call...

I began to worry, I began stress...

Then God reminded me that when I stress and worry I am not being faithful...

Sorry Lord, you have opened all these doors, you have given me confirmation after confirmation that I am doing the right thing so who am I to doubt you...

Sorry Lord... Peace of mind followed...

Last Monday on my day off bright and early my cellphone rang and I missed the call...

Message-"Hello, I am calling to give Troy Miller HER (they didn't even call me a boy) surgery date"

YIKES!!!!! Do I want to return the call... YIKES!!!!!

Of course I returned the call... "Your Surgery date is November 17Th"

My first thought after getting emotional and calling Leigh Ann for a shoulder to cry on was "What a sucky date" Just before Thanksgiving, my holidays will be all messed up... Selfish thoughts...

But Gods Timing is Perfect... After I was done with my "Stinkin' Thinkin'" I realized this is the PERFECT time for my surgery...

First of all come on, let's face it, the entire reason I am here today is that I need to readjust my relationship with food forever so why not start at the most "eating" time of the year... It is the perfect time for me to really put my new lessons learned into play and I got excited...

Secondly, I was hiding a secret from my husband, I did not have enough vacation/sick hours accumulated to cover my time off so I had no real idea how much my recovery would cost in wages... Well, again Gods timing is perfect and with Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations I will have enough time to cover my time off without losing money...

Hallelujah!!! God loves his Princess Troysie (I know that!)

Yesterday at church I realized that in just one month, the new me adventure begins...

Let's Get Ready To RUMBLE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awe, Troysie! This is so inspiring! You are awesome, and such a faithful woman of God!

