Monday, March 28, 2011

What's Lost Can Be Found

Lost: Adj. No longer in one's possession; no longer in evidence...

Checked a little further in the Dictionary and found that is says that when you "Possess" something you have "Custody" of it.

When I hear the word "Lost" in reference to my weight loss journey it doesn't sit right. To me, when you Lose something it means it has simply is no longer in your custody.

Custody can be returned, which means that possessions lost can be found.

I decided I needed a better word to describe my journey, so I checked the Thesaurus and I came up with a word I like even better.


Shed: to repel, as rain; to cast off by natural causes, as a snakes skin;
to get rid of;

Rid: to release or free from...

When a Snake "sheds" its skin, it is gone forever NEVER to return...

Shed, Rid, both words refer to permanent situations and now my word of choice.

I am NEVER going back

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Girl VS Dinosaur = Victory!!!

If you ask me "What is the greatest Victory of your life?" I would say Definitely when I gave birth to my second son Eric without a second C-Section! I was so excited that my body worked exactly like it should and I felt WONDERFUL afterwards.

Yesterday I had my four month check up with my surgeon. He was so very encouraging and uplifting and he informed me that according to their records I have now lost 75lbs! Yikes!!! I try not to focus on the numbers but that is a BIG number! It's a good thing!

I felt up for an adventure and since Eric and I are on Spring break I decided to surprise him with a trip to the Dinosaurs in Cabazon about an hour away from our home, but the one who got a surprise was me!.

Today, without a doubt I had the second greatest Victory of my life!

You may recall these dinosaurs from movies like Pee Wee's Big Adventure and may have driven by them a time or two. They are HUGE!(See me down there?)But I didn't know you could go inside them until today.

Before my surgery, walking was very difficult, I would try to park as close as possible and cringe at the thought of climbing stairs (Thats where I got the name of my blog)But now I am doing much better with walking and am amazed at how much easier it is for me to get around.

When we reached the part of the Dinosaur park where we could climb into the T-Rex I made a little sigh...

This is how high the thing is from my point of view...

I thought to myself... Can I do this???

So I climbed one set of stairs, and then another...

Then... I reached a narrow and tall spiral staircase.

"No way" I thought and Eric was getting a little nervous at this point cause he doesn't like heights so it would have been easy to turn back he would have not cared at all, but I felt good, not winded so I decided to Go For It and Eric reluctantly joined me. Me encouraging him? this is new territory.

Victory!!!!!I did it!!!When I got to the top of that tiny staircase I got that same amazing feeling like when I delivered Eric. My body worked exactly like it should and COULD!!! I almost cried with joy

Actually, we both did it and it ROCKED!!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Four Month Surgi-Versary How I Feel

Four Months have gone by since my Weight Loss Surgery and I am still getting asked quite often

How Do You Feel?

Well, Here's the ABC'S of how I feel...

I feel Amazed! It is working! I am losing weight!

I feel Blessed! God opened the doors for this journey and I give him all the praise

I feel Confident! In the Choice I made for me

I feel Daring! Not too daring, but much more daring than I was before

I feel Energized! I hardly nap which is an amazing thing to me

I feel Fashionable! Just wait! I will be dangerous!

I feel Grateful! For this journey

I feel Happy! I guess I look Happy too cause People are always telling me I look Happy

I feel Inspired! God had provided me with amazing examples of women who follow their plan and have success I can do this!

I feel Joyful! I was going to say I feel Jiggly (which is so true!) but I am being positive here

I feel Knowledgable! And very educated. I fully understand my program.

I feel Love! I am surrounded by such wonderful people! Thank you for loving your Troysie

I feel Muscles! Soreness, but when the muscles ache you know they are working

I feel New! And Improved!

I feel Optimistic! bring on the future!

I feel Progress! This month I have really noticed a difference and I am Pleased

I feel like a Queen! I am still a Princess, but I needed a "Q" word

I feel Rested! I sleep so well it is amazing

I feel Short! I am feeling all of my 5'1/2"

I feel Thankful! For my health insurance Kaiser, They ROCK!!!

I feel Understood! By my Support group family since they have "been there"

I feel Very! Tons of words can go along with this but they are already on this list

I feel Womanly! and Feminine

I feel X-Tremely! Again all of the above

I feel Zeal! Vim, Vigor, Fervent, Passion, Glee!

It's a Good Thing!