Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The First Day...

Today is the first day of the rest of my life...

Exciting but kind of strange to say because it is true, as of tomorrow my relationship with food will take on a new meaning.

I have embraced and am completely ready for this change, I am educated and ready to go.

Honestly I am! This is not just like my dad would say "Jaw Music" I am not just saying it, I truly mean it.

I am blessed and I expect to be continued to be blessed

In case you are wondering and if you want to come visit me if you are in the San Diego area...Or, if you just want to keep me in your prayers...

Here is where I will be...

Scripps Mercy Hospital
4077 5th ave
San Diego Ca.92103

My Pre-op is Today at 3:00

My Surgery is Tomorrow at noon

I should be staying in the hospital three days.

The Lord is my Strength and my Song

See Ya Next Week!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Part of my surgery education process was to attend a Bariatric Support Group.

The Group at Kaiser my health insurance was booked so I found another local group.
The first time I went I was hoping it would not be a bunch of whiners that would discourage me.

I should have had more faith, I am forgetting God is opening the doors for this journey in my life... How wrong I was, I found a wonderful group of people who were happy and grateful about their choice which made me even more grateful about mine.

Yesterday I went to my last support group before my surgery and I had some real questions I knew could only be answered by someone who had been through the procedure and sure enough,I got nothing but loving and encouraging answers.

I was blessed, and get this, I even let them take a progress picture of my BACKSIDE!! Yikes!!!

I didn't make a lot of friends in my surgical prep classes and I was looking around hoping to see some familiar faces but I did not.

Until my friend Aisha came in and announced the date for her surgery is November 16th the day before me! I was so excited and we decided we will walk the halls together and help each other along the way.

After the meeting was over my friend Cassandra came up to me and said she was seven days out from having her surgery and said she felt good. How encouraging it was to see that after just seven days she felt well enough to go to group.

I know I have been placed here for a reason, God loves his Troysie...

If you want to do something with me on the Second Saturday of a month, Sorry, I have plans. Hanging out with my new pals.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


One of the requirements of my pre-surgery education class was to attend a Bariatriac patient support group.

whoopie, whoopie finger making circles in the air, so with not very much enthusiasm I went.

What I found was AMAZING encouragement. A room FULL of people in all degrees of the process from several years out to just 10 days out.

It was awesome to see the peoples transformation and hear their stories.

Today I am going to my last support group prior to my surgery, I know I will be blessed.

I am excited to take my "Before" picture...

Friday, November 5, 2010

I feel like I am done

I am feeling so mentally prepared for my upcoming journey, I have been so prayerful and I believe the Lord has removed the desire for me to stray from my diet and exercise plan.

That is the only way I can explain it.

I have easily said No thank you to All Halloween Candy, Chips, Junk Food, and anything else not on my diet. I simply have no desire.

I have exercised every day this week without question and hesitation and a very willing and dedicated heart.

Each day I have rejoiced and thanked the Lord for this newfound commitment.

I am blessed

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Getting Closer Every Day...

I am less that two weeks away from my surgery... Wow! I cant hardly believe it!

Each day that goes by makes my heart jump a little bit more.

I say I am educated and prepared and yes I am educated and prepared...


I really have no idea what will happen to my body after this surgery, will I shrivel into a sack of skin, or get all curvy and cutsie like the gals on the Nutri System commercials...

I just don't know...

Saw some Christmas shirts and thought of getting one, then I remembered I have no idea what size I will be at Christmas so I passed on getting it for now.

We will just have to see... The Saga Continues...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mum's The Word

Only five more days til I am off of work...

Feeling excited...

I know I am basically an open person, I hide very little but I have made a decision...

I am going to keep my weight numbers to myself. A lady doesn't tell her age which I don't care about, I'm almost 49. I am excited to have my birthday next week when I will become "Forty-Fine" that means next year I will be "Nifty Fifty"


Weight however... Let's leave the numbers alone...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

16 days and counting...

Gosh, just 7 more days of work until I am off for my surgery.

I took an additional day off just to have a full day off of rest before my weight loss journey begins.I felt good about taking the extra day, U

THEN,I looked at the school calendar and realized with Veteran's day (which is my birthday) and a furlough day I will have two more days off!!!

God is so good and again has shown his love for his Princess Troysie.

I was given an instruction sheet from the doctor giving me basic guidelines that I must do. I am taking lots of vitamins, mega dieting, and exercising a ton.

Here is my prayer for today...

Dear Lord, please help me to develop a heart for exercise, please give me drive to continue and passion for pushing myself to do more and more each day.

Just the fact that I have gone to the gym two days in a row and took a nice walk around my neighborhood has amazed me and I feel like I have made a good start.

Praying for my heart...

Monday, November 1, 2010

And Counting...

November 1st...17 days and counting... How do I feel?

Well, I am beginning to feel like things are getting close, and I have a lot to do...

I have a check list from the doctor which I am doing...

Dieting, Exercising, Taking protein shakes and vitamins...

House getting in order...

Check, Check, Check...

Each day I am getting closer...

Yesterday was Halloween and I was wearing my cute Trick Or Treat tee shirt, I love it, long sleeved and extra comfy... Then I realized...I won't wear this shirt again... Next year it will be too big... Wow... Then I realized...

I will eventually get rid of ALL of my clothes... What a concept...

17 days...