Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Climbing Stairs

Imagine carrying (or trying to carry) three 50lb bags of cement up stairs...
Of course it would be very difficult to physically carry that much weight up stairs,but our bodies are amazing and somehow it can be done.

Well, that's about what it is like to be me....

I have tried dieting for years and the most I can do on my own is lose 30 lbs. The dieting cycle for me is always the same, enthusiastic at first, then for some reason, the enthusiasm fades and the weight comes back on. I am not alone in this cycle, I have observed many of my girlfriends struggling the same as I do, they continually fight the same 20lbs and I have realized that the numbers are all relative and their struggle is the same as mine. I have accepted the limits of my willpower, I do not feel that I am weak or defeated, I Troy Miller just need a stronger tool that will help me achieve what we all want to have and maintain...A healthy body weight.

So,after much prayer, many years of carrying this weight, and bearing this burden, I have made the decision to have Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgery

In May 2009 I expressed interest in the surgery to my doctor, she has known me for several years and she is well aware of my struggles. I explained my reasoning to her and she said three years ago she would never have approved it but now she could tell I am ready for the challenge so she gave me the referral to begin the process required by my insurance.

In January, God gave me a word for this year "Anticipate". I have been facing the entire year with this word in mind,so I was ready when the call came in for me to begin the journey.

Excited,no. Ready yes...


1 comment:

  1. Oh Friend!
    What a decision! But going into it with PEACE and knowing it is GOD helping you with each step spells success to me!
    I will be praying right alongside you!!

    Love you Troysie!!
