Friday, February 18, 2011

Three Months Already???

Happy Three Month Surgi-versry!!!

I guess in the world of Weight Loss Surgery this is a milestone. Soooo, At three months post-op I am feeling great! I feel well adjusted to my new lifestyle and I feel confident in my portions and food choices. I am so very blessed that I have no cravings outside of my food plan. Made Lentil soup which is entirely on my plan for the whole family and they loved it. Yeah Me!!!

My heart for exercise is coming along quite nicely. I go to my gym regularly and I am up to three miles on my at home walking video. I feel really good about this accomplishment and glad I pushed through my knee pain from when I started walking.

Milestones of this month...

I have now lost more weight than I ever have in my life. This is the reason I chose to have the surgery, I knew I needed a stronger tool than my willpower to get me past my mark of 30lbs which is the most I have ever lost on any kind of diet before. When I would reach that mark I would mentally hit a stumbling block and that would be it. Now, I have a tool that keeps me going and focused. I feel strong and confident.

I am a weight I have not been to in 14 years. You are never happy with your weight, remember in High School when you thought you were "Fat" I know lots and lots of people who would LOVE to be that "Fat" again. I remember 14 years ago feeling so dreadfully overweight and now I think "Is that a shoulder-bone I am feeling" I am grateful to be able to be here again. I will cherish this time and forever remember.

I got into my "Mini-Goal" jeans. I am such a stealer, My friend comes up with great words and I steal them. She invented surgi-versary and I copied her mini-goal pants idea too. This was super exciting cause when I bought the jeans they were a giant NO-Way Jose! and now I can put them on straight from the dryer and be comfortable. Being 4 sizes smaller is a wonderful place to be.

Put these on just for fun. Seriously had to dig for my original wedding ring in the "Really OLD jewelry" section of my box. Steve even recognized it.Eric wants to give them to his wife someday.

All in all, this month has brought on noticable changes... All good!!! This was a fun month.

Blessed and Grateful I am...


  1. So very proud of you my sweet friend. And happy for His faithfulness to you through this whole process. Thank you for sharing!!

  2. So happy for you! You are amazing!!
